Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wild animal

About Wild animals

A wild animals is feeds almost exclusively on meat.A carnivore is an opportunist animal as the majority of animals, thus a small meal of fruits or the other food than it is capable of eating and of digesting will not be of refusal. But as a general rule, it is going to feed on a meal of meat.Naturally, the carnivorous animal is often higher in the food chain, because it feeds on herbivores, or the other carnivores of which he can make his prey.

The following are some picture of the wild animal. For example, lion, tiger,bear,wolf.

About of Pets

About Pets

Parrots are found in warm climates all over most of the world. The greatest diversities exist in Australasia, Central America, and South America.
Many parrots are kept as pets, especially macaws, Amazon parrots, cockatiels, parakeets, and cockatoos.

Not all animals can be domesticated as pets. Dogs of course are the most domesticated pets around and are even considered to exhibit human qualities such as compasion for others around them, including humans and other pets.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


About Pineapple(Farm with pineapple)

Farm of pineapple is very profitable to the farmer.Most people like the pineapple, it is a fresh fruit.Pineapples (Ananas comosus L.) originate from tropical South America. They are still cultivated there by the low-land population, who have integrated them into their agroforestry systems in a variety of ways. The varieties differ greatly in both taste and shape. Each variety also has local types. All pineapples are self-sterile and mostly free of seeds.The pineapple is the most popular tropical fruit after bananas and is now consumed the world over. As you would expect, like most fruits, it is packed with vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients that make it a highly acceptable addition to any diet and offers many health benefits.

Pineapple helps in Digesting Protein such as pineapple is a rich source of the substance bromelain, a group of enzymes which play an important role in helping us digest and absorb protein.The table is shown to left which describe nutrients in Pineapple.